Page name: The Dark Underground [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-08 03:03:22
Last author: Madame Black
Owner: Madame Black
# of watchers: 31
D20: 11
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<img:> Outside Draconis Mansion
<img:> The Mansion Stables
<img:> The Mansion Garden
<img:> The Mansion Garage
<img:> The Lycans' Quarters
     -The Lycan Parlor
     -The Lycan Kitchen

        First Floor
<img:> The Entrance Foyer
     -The Bottom Hallway-Right
     -The Bottom Hallway-Left
<img:> The Mansion Dining Room
<img:> The Mansion Ballroom
<img:> The Lounge Room
<img:> The Mansion Kitchen
<img:> The Mansion Library

        Second Floor
<img:> Personal Room Hallway

        Third Floor
<img:> Upper Personal Room Hallway

        The Basement
<img:> The Sleeping Elder's Chamber
<img:> The Weapons Room
<img:> The Security Room
<img:> The Basement Meeting Room
<img:> The Practice Room

<img:> Aboveground: New York
     -Silvers Clan Lair


Rules and How To

Coven Mansion Map

Our Character Profiles


     To join, please send a message to [Madame Black] and ask for the character biography form, read all the rules, then send the completed version back to her.

* * * *

Please use one of the banners on the Banner Page and put it in your house along with a link

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2005-10-08 [Lordterrex]: oooo..... i like this place

2005-10-08 [GriffinDWolf]: Hey I likes this place and cause ya have lycans I'm gonna put a link up to this place on my wiki The Moon's Pack if that is fine with ya

2005-10-09 [Madame Black]: that would be very kind ^^ thank you

2005-10-09 [Lordterrex]: so.. what are the rules about character creation and stuff?

2005-10-09 [LunaSoleil]: Check in here--Our Character Profiles

2005-10-09 [Anime Addiction]: it kinda sucks that vampires and lycans can't mix... say.... what about in the city?

2005-10-09 [Lordterrex]: so, is this like, a medeival role play, or a modern day role play?

2005-10-09 [Anime Addiction]: modern, it's based on the movie Underworld.

2005-10-09 [Lordterrex]: ok.. how is the role playing done?.. i think i want to play, i just need to make sure and stuff

2005-10-09 [Madame Black]: sorry, but no mixing of races of any kind, even in the city... one thing we're very strict about in this particular rp. Yes, its modern day, like the movie in a way... and to see how rping is done, just check out one of the pages. Everything else is explained on the Rules and How To page

2005-10-10 [Anime Addiction]: grrr..... that's so not fun...

2005-10-10 [Madame Black]: yes, I'm afraid we have enough people breaking the general rules that doing something like mixed races would seriously screw things up they way we have it going right now

2005-10-10 [Expensive Fidelity]: ERG! New, BETTER, drawing of Zaphie if anyone's interested. Zaphikel Parish. PWEESE lemme know how it came out. I know the violin sucks... no need to say so

2005-10-10 [Madame Black]: ooo... I didnt even know you had a pic... *goes to see*

2005-10-10 [Expensive Fidelity]: I did... but it wasn't the best... it wasn't really how I'd pictured her... I picture her a lot more...well.. attractive. >.<

2005-10-12 [Chel.]: *sneeks by*

2005-10-12 [Madame Black]: *gasp* its Chels...

2005-10-14 [kerry555]: so - has Darkling been on lately? Did she get her internet connection up?

2005-10-15 [Madame Black]: nope, not yet... and she hasnt been on since that one time last week I think it was. It'll be maybe another week or so... who knows

2005-10-15 [kerry555]: allrighty then. I can wait.

2005-10-16 [shadow of darkness]: where's Eris at? cause Kurati's lookin for her now. lol maybe he runs into Sythera first thjough? lol

2005-10-16 [LunaSoleil]: She's in the library harassing Sadira for no reason. (Lol, j/k [Chel.])

2005-10-16 [Panda-monium]: oooh cool

2005-10-16 [kerry555]: lol and sythera's in the entrance foyer

2005-10-17 [LunaSoleil]: ...Going completely mental...

2005-10-17 [kerry555]: XD yeah

2005-10-17 [LunaSoleil]: lol

2005-10-19 [kerry555]: well, she's not going completely mental... but close...

2005-10-19 [LunaSoleil]: -_- ... Close as in what? 3/4 of the way there?

2005-10-19 [kerry555]: ...1/4...

2005-10-19 [LunaSoleil]: -_- ... You sure about that...?

2005-10-19 [kerry555]: yup

2005-10-19 [LunaSoleil]: Suuuuuuuuuure :P

2005-10-19 [kerry555]: ...well, when the rebellion comes along,or even before out...

2005-10-19 [LunaSoleil]: 0.o ... I'm scared of that!

2005-10-19 [kerry555]: you should be

2005-10-19 [LunaSoleil]: *Shaking and whimpering*

2005-10-19 [Chel.]: *raises an eyebrow*

2005-10-20 [kerry555]: lol

2005-10-20 [LunaSoleil]: 0.o ... *Glomps Chel-chan*

2005-10-21 [Chel.]: ....Uh.....*has been glomped*

2005-10-21 [LunaSoleil]: *Backs away a little* Sorry...That was a bit random...

2005-10-25 [Chel.]: *runs on the ceiling with a lawn mower, screaming* "KARATE DUCKS WILL JUMP IN YOUR BEDS AT NIGHT!!!!"  --->now that was random

2005-10-25 [LunaSoleil]: 0.o ... *Blink blink* ... *Dies laughing* ... "THE CHICKENS ARE COMING!!! THE CHICKENS ARE COMING!!!"

2005-10-26 [Guardian of Light]: There are little gnomes that tell me to burn things...

2005-10-26 [LunaSoleil]: 0.o ........Cool!

2005-11-08 [kerry555]: we have stables now!! *stares*... and a ballroom... and upper levels... and a dining room!

2005-11-08 [Madame Black]: yes! and if there's anything else I can think of too... or you can think of? meh, let me know

2005-11-08 [kerry555]: hm... not sure... will tell if I do!

2005-11-08 [LunaSoleil]: AHHH!!! *Jumping for joy* (You know a few of my characters may very likely sneak into the stables to see the horses a lot, right? Especially Anora)

2005-11-08 [Madame Black]: well, they can take care of them if they want... they need to be ridden practically every day, and if a vampire doesnt do it, someone has to... you're perfectly welcome to

2005-11-08 [LunaSoleil]: Awesome!!! (Sorry, I'm a horseback rider, so...)

2005-11-08 [kerry555]: lol me lurves horses!

2005-11-08 [LunaSoleil]: Me too. Been a horseback rider since I was two, so for about 14 years now

2005-11-08 [kerry555]: lol me - since I was 4

2005-11-08 [LunaSoleil]: Wheee!!! I've been riding longer!!! Lol

2005-11-08 [kerry555]: lol duuh

2005-11-08 [LunaSoleil]: Wheeee!!! *Celebrates*

2005-11-09 [Lady_Nikara]: Hey no fair I've only been riding for three years. *pouts*

2005-11-09 [Madame Black]: I've...... well I've only ridden a couple times

2005-11-10 [LunaSoleil]: That's ok. Like I said, I've been riding for almost 14 years, and I STILL only just went to my second competition earlier this year...

2005-11-13 [Chel.]: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*HAPPY 19TH B-DAY TIN!!!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

2005-11-13 [Madame Black]: eeeeeeeeeee *squeezes*

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: Happy Birthday, Tin!!! =^_^=

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Tindomiel. Happy birthday to you. Wheeee!!!! Happy Birthday!!

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'll draw you something for it! It'll be belated though...*glomps*

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: Yay glompage! *glomp*

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: Hey... Don't forget about me! *Glomp*

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: WooHoo!! Group glomp

2005-11-13 [Madame Black]: yay! EEEEEEP *is glomped*

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: lol yes - glomped to the Xtreme! ... odd..

2005-11-13 [Madame Black]: seriously... I wonder if I'll recover

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: most likely not...

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: Muahahaha!!!!

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: aw psshht thats nothing you'll be fine. you didnt need those bones anyway

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: hahahahaha!

2005-11-13 [Madame Black]: lol, yeah I'll let you cart me around the store in a wheelchair :P

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: doubt it could get through the aisles. we have enough trouble with baby carriages

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: 0.o ... Aisles are THAT small where you are?!

2005-11-13 [Madame Black]: oh yeah... and its worse now that we have that damn display table.. makes everything a lot more crowded so there's even less room!

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: the end of the art aisle is if you dont move the easels. especially if we have a lot of people in the store

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: tee - wheelchairs are fun - especially the ones in airports

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: ive only played with one in the hospital but it was like really late so no one was in the hall. i had fun :D

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: Trust me, I know...I've been stuck in one my entire life... *Evil smile* Oh the fun I have running people over!

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: lol they're so fun to spin in...

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: Woot!

2005-11-13 [kerry555]: but - every party must come to an end - my friends are coming over early tomorrow, and I need to sleep - so ... ta ta:P

2005-11-13 [Lady_Nikara]: aw bye bye. so do i get to post now?

2005-11-13 [LunaSoleil]: I guess so, yep

2005-11-14 [maggie the pie]: How would I talk to someone in charge with some urgent news...

2005-11-14 [LunaSoleil]: Um...Just message Tin, I guess

2005-11-14 [Madame Black]: urgent news? o.O yeah.. talk to me

2005-11-14 [kerry555]: urgent news? o.O

2005-11-14 [LunaSoleil]: Huh?

2005-11-15 [Madame Black]: nah, its fine

2005-11-27 [NamelessMerc]: As many lycans as can be spared have been summoned to the entrance foyer by Orthanos.

2005-11-28 [LunaSoleil]: Huh? Um...well...I'll see how many of my characters can come

2006-02-11 [LunaSoleil]: GUESS WHAT MOVIE I JUST SAW!!!

2006-02-11 [kerry555]: Hm..lemme think HARD and LONG about this one...

2006-02-11 [LunaSoleil]: That was the most KICK ASS movie ever!

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: :P i know!

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: And um...a bit more graphic than I thought it'd be... 0.o

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: lol i knew it would be more than the first

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: Let's just say that I was pretty...surprised by one particular part

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: XD

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: Uh huh! XD

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: I went and saw it with [Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia] ... And our reactions were pretty much the same--complete surprise!

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: lol

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: She was actually shielding her eyes. It was funny. I just kinda looked away

2006-02-12 [kerry555]: lol she was hot. I had to look XD

2006-02-12 [LunaSoleil]: Well you're a guy! Of course you did!

2006-02-13 [kerry555]: XD You know you liked him XD

2006-02-13 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: men >.< they make me *face palm* haha

2006-02-13 [LunaSoleil]: Ok ok, so I'll admit one thing--MICHAEL'S HOT!

2006-02-13 [kerry555]: lol told ya

2006-02-13 [LunaSoleil]: *Sigh* won that one, Kerry. Lol

2006-02-13 [kerry555]: :D

2006-02-13 [LunaSoleil]: :P

2006-03-14 [iippo]: This wiki is linked from RPG Realm, which is an exported page. Would you please export this page (or ask me to do it for you if you don't know how) so out-of-ElfTown people will also be able to view this page. If you don't wish your page exported, let me know. Thank you.

2006-03-15 [Madame Black]: thanks iippo, if you wouldnt mind exporting it for me? I think I tried to do that once with another page and something got messed up

2006-03-15 [iippo]: Done. I know what you mean. When exporting, ONLY press the "start exporting this page" -button once. The other buttons make the page be viewed in code, which is not what you usually want (the page messes up). :) But in general, if you make a wiki that you want other people to find, export it. That way people will find it.

2006-03-15 [Madame Black]: thanks a lot ^^

2006-04-19 [Pheonix Ryder]: if you could delete my membership that would be great...

2006-04-20 [Madame Black]: alrighties, if you want

2006-04-20 [LunaSoleil]: Awwwww, why BriBri-San?

2006-05-07 [Saiyuki Nano]: who do you join this wiki

2006-05-08 [kerry555]: you message [Madame Black], and ask for a bio sheet

2006-06-10 [Saiyuki Nano]: may i join

2006-06-10 [kerry555]: send a message to [Madame Black], and she'll give you a character bio page

2006-06-10 [Madame Black]: actually I think I'm just not going to accept any more characters for the time being.... I'm not paying much attention to the wiki and while I think I'm going to hand over control to someone else, I dont feel like sorting all of that out right now, not to mention keeping an eye on new members! Sorry guys. keep an eye on the page and hopefully soon we'll get more characters in

2006-06-10 [NamelessMerc]: -.-; Nothing is really happening atm anyways.

2006-06-10 [Madame Black]: true true

2006-06-11 [Saiyuki Nano]: okay

2006-06-12 [Ravenclaw]: It's not my fault . . . *feels guilty for being gone so long*

2006-06-12 [Madame Black]: if its anyone's fault, its mine

2006-06-13 [Ravenclaw]: ah don;t say that. Flr the last three weeks no one has posted and there was plenty going on elsewear

2006-08-10 [kerry555]: To those who are interested, (sorry Tin for posting this here) but me and a few friends have started a Star Wars RP, called Star Wars: Revolution. Come check it out those who are interested! We're accepting applications at the moment, and we're ready to start at any minute.

2006-08-12 [Madame Black]: gasp... how dare you........ :P

2006-08-12 [kerry555]: SORRY! lol

2006-08-13 [LunaSoleil]: *Gasps and raises hand* I'm an administrator of that RPG!!!

2006-08-13 [kerry555]: We know. You've missed alot. lol

2006-08-13 [LunaSoleil]: I'm back!

2006-09-08 [The Keeper Of The Night]: There needs to be a version of this on Elfpack o.o.. I know lots of people who'd join. Plus Elftown dosnt work on my normal browser and Internet Explorer is mega uber slow ><

2006-10-26 [Guardian of Light]: everybody start posting NOW Cathulu commands ye!!!

2006-10-26 [Crazy Yas]: i want to join how can i?

2006-10-27 [Nuit Darksin]: Can I join I already have a vamp character from my vampire rp anyone and everyone is welcome to join The Blood Coven

2006-11-15 [Chel.]: This rpg kinda died guys. Sorry Tin

2006-12-14 [Illona]: It may have died but that dosent mean that you cant get it going again with new people

2006-12-14 [Madame Black]: its just that it takes a LOT of effort to add the new players in and then watch them to make sure they're not doing something they shouldnt. If I havent already made it known, and I might not have, I would like to leave Kerry and Chels temporarily in charge... just to kinda watch things and keep things in order. It would be up to them if they wanted to accept more characters or not. Sadly, I've really stopped watching the pages. Simply dont have time between homework and workwork and life in general

2006-12-16 [Chel.]: O.o....

2006-12-16 [Illona]: yeah that is true, but it is a kick butt place that ya made

2006-12-16 [kerry555]: ... Chels, can we handle it?

2006-12-17 [Madame Black]: well... its not like I'm asking you to take the whole weight of it.... just kinda watch and keep things going with the rules and keep posting... lol... if you want to accept new characters, its up to you. Kerry this is partially your RP anyway, so :P

2006-12-17 [Chel.]: I thought everything kinda stopped. No one is posting really. Or is that just me?

2006-12-17 [LunaSoleil]: Well...shadow, Kerry, and I (and sometimes a few other people) are still posting in the building above

2006-12-18 [Chel.]: Sorry, but i stopped. It was like getting to the climax and it just stopped. For me at least....

2006-12-19 [Guardian of Light]: I don't know what to do with my character, hows about someone post in the entrance foyer so my guy can interact with someone for a change?

2006-12-19 [LunaSoleil]: Sure, I'll see which of my characters I can get in there

2006-12-19 [NamelessMerc]: My character is still stuck outside the building. He's been waiting on Cybele for about 6 months XD

2006-12-19 [LunaSoleil]: Then go yell at Kerry to get Cybele's butt back in there! lol

2006-12-20 [Ravenclaw]: ok so I've been kinda ignoring this whole game since it sorta died a while back. What's going on? Luna's fanfic has spurred me to get back in here.

2006-12-20 [LunaSoleil]: Really? ...Yay for me! <img:44166_1164145171.gif> Well, the only thing that's really still going is the whole situation between the Death Dealers and Lirit and Ileana. Lirit and Ileana are actually about to be brought back to the mansion pretty soon, I think... Right, shadow? And there's a little bit going on between Anora and Jahanara. They're becoming sort of like close friends now. Everything else had kinda stayed exactly the same since it died

2006-12-21 [Ravenclaw]: ok cool. Which room has hd the most play dealing with the lirit capture? Inside the mansion I mean

2006-12-21 [LunaSoleil]: Huh? haven't gotten back to the mansion yet. They're still in the building above. You know, at the Silvers' lair. The only room in the mansion that's still doing anything basically is anora, jahanara and nadya's quarters. Anora had another one of her spells, and so Jahanara's taking care of her and their kinda bonding.

2006-12-22 [Chel.]: My chic, Eris, was like somewhere climbing the building on the outside. I think there was also some other player that she like had a crush on or something. XD I have no idea....

2007-02-26 [quilathe_nailo]: I've been in this rp for about two years, I'm willing to continue!

2007-02-27 [LunaSoleil]: Same here

2007-02-28 [Ravenclaw]: My character is actualy still waiting outsude fo rthe deathdealers ro arrive. I'm ready to continue it's just whoever is supposed to be comming back from capturing Lirrit hasn't come back yet

2007-05-20 [quilathe_nailo]: Yeah? Well...if anyone wants to rp with my chara let me know.

2007-05-20 [Chel.]: If its ok with tin, I guess we could maybe just eliminate the correct story line(wit the steak out or whatever) and get a new one? 

2007-07-08 [maggie the pie]: Man, this place kinda died didn't it?

2007-07-08 [Chel.]: yup

2008-04-15 [quilathe_nailo]: oh wow....heh ^^; forgot about this site completely

2008-04-15 [Ravenclaw]: good luck finding her to ask though Chel. I haven't seen hide nor hair of Tin for over a year. I'd hate for someone to restart it again just to have her come back and get mad that we continued without her.

2008-04-15 [Chel.]: I have her on my myspace? XD

2008-04-15 [Ravenclaw]: ... Oh... so do I... but I forgot...

2009-04-15 [Roadkill Kitten]: =o

2009-04-17 [Madame Black]: :P I'm googleable

yeah, we've been talking about restarting the game, I just got distracted and such. I'll try to work a bit harder on it now

2009-04-17 [Ravenclaw]: Maybe we should edit the ranks? Get rid of anyone listed who isn;t going to be playing...

2009-04-20 [Madame Black]: pretty much. have to go around and ask everyone if they're still interested or not

shadow and I were talking about making a completely new storyline. Any ideas?

2009-04-20 [Chel.]: i totally forgot eris's personality O_O

2009-04-20 [Ravenclaw]: Why not just do an entire game reboot? Rally the former ranks, advertise for new players and encourage new characters.

As for a storyline... How can we expound upon the werewolves vs vampires thing?

I KNOW!! HAVE A FIGHT CLUB! Still do the whole Werewolves as slaves but but throw in some Gladeator action!

Just a thought.

2009-04-21 [Madame Black]: you mean lycan vs. lycan, or mix the races in the fights? gladiator action would be entertaining indeed. And yeah, I think I would definitely start alllll over again. And not have near so many characters, personally

2009-04-23 [Ravenclaw]: Mix it up. Vamp vs Lycan or Vamp vs vamp or whatever. I'll send you a message about it and you can tell me what you think.

2009-04-26 [Roadkill Kitten]: Teehee. I wanna. =X

2009-04-27 [Madame Black]: ok everyone, all who are interested in playing please take this <poll:76983> so we can figure out what you the players would like in the game.

2009-08-02 [LunaSoleil]: Ressurrecting the RPG?! I'M IN!!!

2009-08-03 [Ravenclaw]: Wow, it took 4 months to get a response from someone. I remember voting.

2009-08-04 [LunaSoleil]: Lol! Sorry. Been uber busy. Getting ready to start college this month. Holy %$@#! RC! Writing buddy! I have writer's block... *Pout*

2009-08-04 [Ravenclaw]: I started using Elias Winterbourn in a rpg and it got me thinking about your story.

2009-08-07 [LunaSoleil]: I alluded to something interesting happening between Hope and Max, so... I dunno where to go with it. Plus, Raven is in the room in the story at the moment, and I'm still not quite comfortable writing for your character without consulting you first. I don't wanna represent her the wrong way or put her saying something that you don't think she'd say, ya know? Plus, like I said--I'm stuck...

2009-08-07 [Ravenclaw]: If your at a point where you need to progress with Raven send me what you got and I may have a few ideas. It might free up your block.

2009-08-07 [LunaSoleil]: Okay. I'll do that as soon as I get a chance. I'm at my mom's house right now. The story is on the computer at my dad's. Thanks!

2009-08-07 [Ravenclaw]: Np, if memory serves you had a block last time and we did the same thing.

2009-08-08 [LunaSoleil]: Yeah, I've just been so busy lately and been through so much over the past year or so that it's been hard to keep my mind on the story. Did you read the last chapter up, just so you know where it's at right now? You don't really have to; it's just up if you wanna read it. I dunno whether you have or not.

2009-08-08 [Ravenclaw]: Yeah I don;t have it any more but I'd still like to read it.

2009-08-08 [LunaSoleil]: Okay. ^.^

2009-11-01 [Danboo]: oh wow its been so long since i've been here

2010-05-06 [LunaSoleil]: I miss it!

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